Contact Maria Mak and her elite team @ Sutton Centre Realty @ 604-839-6368 for all your premium professional real estate services or visit her website
Maria has been serving her clients in Metro Vancouver for over 25 years with a big heart and with a big smile .THANK YOU .
LIfe is a state of mind, if you see cupcake instead of roses flowerbed....check with your eye doctor or just retreat to your own little world, it is all up to you.
I am no bitch complaining about the weather even though I nearly had an accident yesterday when I was driving and showing homes to my clients. I just love the peaceful.
Whenever I feel down and out about my life, a good friend of mine says to me, "your life is someone else's dream". I have finally realized there is no doubt that…
…life is a state of mind!
I first heard this line in a Peter Sellers' movie, where the main character, a gardener named Chance, walks on water, seemingly because he doesn't know that walking on water is against the laws of nature. As he is not aware of the laws, he is not bound by them, or so the movie would have us believe.
The director is challenging our own sense of what we see and what we want to see. Are we prepared just to see the same view as others, or are we prepared to see beyond that …
What I would like you to think about as you watch the closing scene is that as business people, and more specifically, as salespeople, we determine our own fate. The way we see our situation can have a dramatic effect on our results.
If you want to be a top performer in the world of sales, this is what you need to do:
1) Find an industry you love – Real Estate…I do. If you do not like what you sell you will not be highly successful.
2) Find a company you respect.- Sutton Centre Realty…I do. If you do not believe or have confidence in your company, your prospects will sense it and your results will suffer.
3) Become an expert in the craft of selling, better than anyone in your company or your industry. Most people don't read a single book after they leave school. Be different! Read every book on selling that you can find. Your knowledge and competence will make you stand out.
4) Forget the laws of nature. Just because everyone in your industry makes "X" means nothing. Set your own goals and find a way to make them on!
For all your Real Estate services, contact Maria Mak and my team at Sutton Centre Realty 604-839-6368 or visit my website at, You'll be smiling too!
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